Customers from all over the world joined Dalat Hasfarm for Summer Trial 2015
August 21, Customers and partner from Holland, Japan, Taiwan, China and Indonesia came to Dalat Hasfarm for a very exciting event – Summer Trial 2015

In this photo, customers and partners was in Daron Farm for testing flowers

Customers from Japan was very interested in Chrysanthemum

While college from China and Taiwan cared more about potplants

Lily also got a lot of attention…

But roses seemed to be the priority…

Dalat Hasfarm Managers (Sales and Marketing) from all locations in Vietnam also joined the event…

Display area at 450 Nguyen Tu Luc with hundreds varieties of flowers…

After one hard working day, 10 varieties of Chrysanthemum and 5 varieties of Rose were chosen for commercial next year 2016

Happy Gala Dinner for a successful event...