Press Release Dalat Hasfarm Flower Trials 2017 - 3rd Edition
Dalat Hasfarm is repeating its annual event in order to introduce the latest varieties of cut flowers & pot plants tested for both Domestic and Export markets.
The Dalat Hasfarm Flower Trials 2017 (June 29th, 30th) will introduce hundreds of testing varieties to large groups of Vietnamese and international customers coming from Japan, China, Australia, Taiwan but also Korea, Hong-Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia. The trials will include Spray & Standard Chrysanthemums, Santini, Roses, Lilies, Pot plants and new colors of the famous one-and-only Calimero. Also, special attention and highlights will be given to the range of Premium Roses that Dalat Hasfarm has recently launched. This range includes varieties selected for their amazing performance in terms of both vase life and resistance to botrytis, among them well-established performers such as Red Naomi and the Avalanche serie. Choosing “Innovation” as the main theme of the event, customers visiting the Flower Trials will be shown a number of innovating processes related to Production, Packing, Logistics, and Sales & Marketing.
The Asia-Pacific Calimero Cup 2017
Dalat Hasfarm is the exclusive grower of Calimero chrysanthemums in Asia and produces large numbers year-round. In 2016, Calimero has been elected Flower of the Year at the OTA auction, Tokyo, Japan. It was the first time that a Chrysanthemum and imported flower could receive this award. Ideal for floral arrangements (various colors, outstanding vase life), Calimero has become one of the most preferred flowers in the markets supplied by the Dalat Hasfarm. With the support of Hasfarm’s customers in Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam, national floral contests were organized in 2016 and 2017. During the Flower Trials, each country will send their Calimero Champion to Dalat in order to compete in the Grand Finale of the Asia-Pacific Calimero Cup. The four contestants will be given various floral assignments and will be evaluated by an international Grand Jury. The best performer will be granted the sacred title of 1st Asia-Pacific Calimero Champion.
Dalat Hasfarm Ltd. - www.dalathasfarm.com
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More information on Calimero: //calimero.dalathasfarm.com/ (VN version).