Special Dalat Hasfarm Flower Shop care package for our valued customers
Happy birthday to you, our beloved Dalat Hasfarm customers.
Thank you for being with us on our fresh flowers mission all these times. On this special occasion, Dalat Hasfarm wish you great health and happiness in life.
As fresh flowers bring more profound meanings to this day, Dalat Hasfarm gift you with a 20%-Off Birthday Voucher to help save you money on flowers in all of our retail shops across Vietnam.
- Voucher Code: xxyyzzaa
- Expiration Date: 30 days from today
When you visit us, please present your voucher along with the messages you received to easily claim your discount.
If you have any support requests, please contact Dalat Hasfarm via hotline 1800 1143 (free) - line 3 or email hotro@dalathasfarm.com .
Here is a list of the nearest retail shops in your area.
It’s been our pleasure to serve you!